Research Summaries
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2007 Research and Curriculum Development Project Cebrowski Institute Guttieri, Karen R. View
2012 Research and Development Support to IDC Information Sciences Boger, Dan C. View
2007 Research and Development of New Theories on Hurricane Intensity and Structure Change Meteorology Montgomery, Michael T. View
2012 Research and Development of New Theories on Hurricane Intensity and Structure Change Meteorology Montgomery, Michael T. View
2012 Research and Development of Tools to Assess the Value of Assured Communications and Quality of Services Operations Research Appleget, Jeffrey A. View
2017 Research and Education Support for the Director of the Strategic Systems Program Office Systems Engineering Whitcomb, Clifford A. View
2016 Research and Education Support for the Director of the Strategic Systems Program Office Systems Engineering Whitcomb, Clifford A. View
2019 Research in support of Cyber and Systems Engineering Concerns for PEO C4I Information Sciences Boger, Dan C. View
2013 Research of Composite Materials and Structures to Naval Applications Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Kwon, Young W. View
2007 Research of Cultural and Conflict Studies National Security Affairs Johnson, Thomas H. View
2007 Research of Cultural and Conflict Studies National Security Affairs Johnson, Thomas H. View
2017 Research on Advanced Hardware Reverse Engineering Techniques, Tactics and Processes Computer Science Michael, James B. View
2021 Research on Advanced Railgun Configurations for Hypersonic Projectile Launch Physics McNab, Ian View
2021 Research on Advanced Railgun Configurations for Hypersonic Projectile Launch Physics McNab, Ian View
2014 Research on Conceptual Design and Concepts of Operations for the Future Autonomous Systems for Naval Mine Warfare Oceanography Chu, Peter C. View
2015 Research on Conceptual Design and Concepts of Operations for the Future Autonomous Systems for Naval Mine Warfare Oceanography Chu, Peter C. View
2007 Research on Defining the Relationship Between ETS and Naval Aviation Maintenance Performance Operations Research Koyak, Robert A. View
2007 Research on Distributed Computing, System Dependability, Battle Management, and Sensor and Weapons Management/Netting for Ballistic Missile Defense Computer Science Michael, James B. View
2008 Research, Analytical Tools, and Training Support for DOT&E Operations Research Jacobs, Patricia A. View
2010 Research, Analytical Tools, and Training Support for DOT&E Operations Research Jacobs, Patricia A. View