Research Summaries
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2015 Effects of Shipboard Manning Levels on Operational Effectiveness - an LCS Case Study: Phase 3 Naval Research Program Shattuck, Nita L. View
2015 Informing Shipboard Readiness Metrics to Include Physical and Cognitive Fatigue Estimates Naval Research Program Shattuck, Nita L. View
2014 Littoral Combat Ship Watch Bill Innovations Naval Research Program Shattuck, Nita L. View
2019 Development of an Improved Navy-Specific Stress Inoculation Training Program Operations Research Shattuck, Nita L. View
2020 Refinement and Validation of a Military Emotional Intelligence Training Program Operations Research Shattuck, Nita L. View
2019 Analysis of Circadian-based Watchstanding Schedules II Operations Research Shattuck, Nita L. View
2023 Standardized Protocol for Tailoring IWE Watch Sections for Optimized Human Performance Naval Research Program Shattuck, Nita L. View
2020 Reducing Sleep Inertia Operations Research Shattuck, Nita L. View
2018 Certificate in Human Systems Integration and Master in Human Systems Integration Reimbursable Education Programs Operations Research Shattuck, Lawrence G. View
2009 Human Systems Integration Certificate Course One DL Graduate Education Operations Research Shattuck, Lawrence G. View
2010 Course Development Efforts for OA4414: HSI Case Studies and Applications Operations Research Shattuck, Lawrence G. View
2009 Human Systems Integration (HSI) Certificate Program Operations Research Shattuck, Lawrence G. View
2010 Human Systems Integration DL Certificate Program Operations Research Shattuck, Lawrence G. View
2009 Human Systems Integration Education OA3413 Course Development Operations Research Shattuck, Lawrence G. View
2009 Human Systems Integration (HSI) Certificate Program Operations Research Shattuck, Lawrence G. View
2009 Soldier Domain Technology (SDT) Integration Experimentation and Analysis Project Operations Research Shattuck, Lawrence G. View
2009 Course Development Efforts for OA3413: Tools, Tradeoffs and Processes for HIS Operations Research Shattuck, Lawrence G. View
2009 Representing Plan Execution in a Dynamic Battlefield Environment Operations Research Shattuck, Lawrence G. View
2009 Human System Integration Certificate Course Two DL Graduate Education Operations Research Shattuck, Lawrence G. View
2007 US Marine Corps Tactical Command and Control (DOTC2) Operations Research Shattuck, Lawrence G. View