Research Summaries
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2011 Army COE Capacity Modeling Operations Research Nestler, Scott View
2011 A Simulation-Optimization Model of Organizational Capacity for the Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District Office Operations Research Nestler, Scott View
2013 High Energy Laser Systems Engineering for Navy Platforms Systems Engineering Nelson, Douglas H. View
2015 Combat Systems Engineering of Surface Combatant HEL Viability Naval Research Program Nelson, Douglas H. View
2015 Integration of a High Energy Laser Into the Virginia Class Submarine Naval Research Program Nelson, Douglas H. View
2015 Analysis, Integration and Test of High Energy Lasers on Naval Surface Combatants for Navy Solid State Laser Program Systems Engineering Nelson, Douglas H. View
2020 States of Light for Quantum Sensing-Experiment Physics Narducci, Francesco A. View
2021 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics Physics Narducci, Francesco A. View
2020 Proposal for a 30 meter tall atomic fountain-(ONR Version) Physics Narducci, Francesco A. View
2020 Utility of a Dual Accelerometer-Gyroscope Based on Atom Interferometers for Inertial Navigation Physics Narducci, Francesco A. View
2017 T^3 scaling in Atom Interferometer Sensors Physics Narducci, Francesco A. View
2018 Dual Accelerometer- Gyroscope based on atom interferometers Physics Narducci, Francesco A. View
2019 Proposal for a 30 meter tall atomic fountain Physics Narducci, Francesco A. View
2019 Dual Accelerometer- Gyroscope based on atom interferometers Physics Narducci, Francesco A. View
2007 Master of Science in Program Management (MSPM) (836 Curriculum) Section 836-52 (Continuation) Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Naegle, Brad R. View
2014 Developing a Market-Based Compensation System Naval Research Program Myung, Noah View
2012 American Society of Military Comptrollers Professional Development Institute (ASMC PDI) Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Mutty, John E. View
2007 Certified Defense Financial Management Course (GB4560) Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Mutty, John E. View
2011 Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Murray, Kristy S. View
2008 Semi-Autonomous Control of a Morphing Micro Air Land Vehicle Electrical & Computer Engineering Murphy, Corry P. View