Research Summaries
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2012 CeNCOOS: Integrating Marine Operations for Decision Makers and the General Public Oceanography Paduan, Jeffrey D. View
2007 Coastal Ocean Currents Monitoring Program (COCMP) Oceanography Paduan, Jeffrey D. View
2015 License Royalties Research & Sponsored Programs Office Paduan, Jeffrey D. View
2014 Surface Current Mapping Network Based on High Frequency Radar for the Integrated Ocean Observing System Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System Research & Sponsored Programs Office Paduan, Jeffrey D. View
2017 Nonexclusive License Agreement Research & Sponsored Programs Office Paduan, Jeffrey D. View
2017 Design of a Periscope LPI Radar, Secure Communication and EW Multifunction System Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2007 N433 Threat Missile Simulator Validation Working Group Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2009 Cueing Receiver for Faster EA - Response Management Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2010 N433 Threat Missile Simulator Validation Working Group Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2008 Naval Information Operations Command (NIOC) Suitland FY08 Research and Development Support Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2010 Submarine Future EW Roadmap Working Group 2010 Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2008 Technologies for Information Operations Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2008 Cueing Receiver for Faster EA - Response Management Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2009 Navy Surface Anti-Ship Cruise Missile Threat Simulator Validation Working Group Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2007 Integration, Test and Evaluation of the DIS-512 with the KOR Electronics DRFM Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2008 N433 Threat Missile Simulator Validation Group Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2007 Autonomous Detection and Classification Schemes to Correctly Identify LPI Waveforms Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2011 Increasing the Dynamic Range of HTS RF Squid ADC Using Robust Symmetrical Number System (RSNS) Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2016 Cognitive, Multi-Function Periscope Sensor with LPI Radar, Comms, and EW Applications Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2013 Electronic Warfare Investigation to Support Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program Block III and Air Operations Electronic Warfare Test and Evaluation Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View