Research Summaries
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2008 Global Information Grid Enterprise Service Management Engineering Information Sciences Dolk, Daniel R. View
2012 Efficient Landing of Autonomous UAV Swarms on Multiple Moving Landing Platforms Systems Engineering Dono, Thomas, F. View
2007 Support of Naval Intelligence Research and Education National Security Affairs Doorey, Timothy J. View
2007 Support of Naval Intelligence Research and Education National Security Affairs Doorey, Timothy J. View
2008 Support of Naval Intelligence Research and Education National Security Affairs Doorey, Timothy J. View
2015 Rapidly Deployable Mobile Security Solution for Android and iOS Devices to Support Navy Learning and Other Applications Afloat and Ashore Computer Science Dorney, Liam View
2013 MEMS Directional Sound Sensor Physics Downey, Richard H. View
2008 Resourcing Submarine Operations in the Pacific Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Doyle, Richard B. View
2009 Resourcing Submarine Operations in the Pacific, Extracting Data on Submarine Operations from PBIS Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Doyle, Richard B. View
2007 Direct Fire Methodology Comparison Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Driels, Morris R. View
2010 Support GWTS CB Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Driels, Morris R. View
2009 JWS CCB Support Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Driels, Morris R. View
2010 Support CTEG Task#5 - 3.01 Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Driels, Morris R. View
2008 Weaponeering Course in Korea Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Driels, Morris R. View
2010 Collateral Damage Methodology Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Driels, Morris R. View
2016 Weapon Accuracy Studies Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Driels, Morris R. View
2008 Accuracy Model Improvement Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Driels, Morris R. View
2011 Accuracy Model Improvement Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Driels, Morris R. View
2012 Review of JWS Methodology Requirements Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Driels, Morris R. View
2012 Accuracy Model Improvement Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Driels, Morris R. View