Research Summaries
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2017 EXBS Border Security Program- Tunisia Defense Analysis Greenshields, Brian H. View
2017 EXBS Border Security Program-Morocco Defense Analysis Greenshields, Brian H. View
2020 Graduate Level Study of Unconventional Warfare and Resistance Defense Analysis Greenshields, Brian H. View
2018 EXBS Border Security Program- Egypt Defense Analysis Greenshields, Brian H. View
2020 Counter-Insurgency Strategy for Border Security Defense Analysis Greenshields, Brian H. View
2019 CWMD ADAPT Network Defense Analysis Greenshields, Brian H. View
2010 3rd Annual CTFP/NPS Alumni Event and Conference Defense Analysis Greenshields, Brian H. View
2011 Data, Analysis, and Implementation of HUMINT in the Cultural Geography Model Defense Analysis Gregg, Heather S. View
2008 Using Enduring Employment Programs to Combat IED Networks National Security Institute Gregg, Heather S. View
2013 Optimization of Piezoelectric Vibrational Energy Harvesting MEMS for Naval Applications Physics Gregory, Sarah M. View
2018 Coastal Marine Spatial Planning Naval Research Program Guest, Arlene A. View
2010 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS): A Short Course Oceanography Guest, Arlene A. View
2015 Collaborative Research: Polynyas, Ice Production and Seasonal Evolution in the Ross Sea (PIPERS) Meteorology Guest, Peter S. View
2015 Quantifying the Role of Atmospheric Forcing in Ice Edge Retreat and Advance Including Wind-Wave Coupling Meteorology Guest, Peter S. View
2008 Defeating Disguised IEDs by Using Knowledge of the Environment National Security Institute Guest, Peter S. View
2014 Using UAS to Sense the Physical Environment and Predict Electromagnetic System Performance Naval Research Program Guest, Peter S. View
2007 Collaborative Research: the Maud Rise Nonlinear Equation of State Study (MaudNESS) Meteorology Guest, Peter S. View
2008 Atmosphere Detection Effects Prediction Tool (ADEPT) Field Test Project Meteorology Guest, Peter S. View
2008 Atmospheric Effects on Radio Frequency Propagation Meteorology Guest, Peter S. View
2008 Predicting the Changing Arctic Environment Meteorology Guest, Peter S. View