Research Summaries
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2016 Generation of Human Views with Monterey Phoenix Naval Research Program Giammarco, Kristin M. View
2021 Emergent Behavior Analysis Education with Monterey Phoenix Systems Engineering Giammarco, Kristin M. View
2021 Emergent Behavior Analysis Research with Monterey Phoenix Systems Engineering Giammarco, Kristin M. View
2013 System Engineering Research Center - Research Task - 44 Phase II Systems Engineering Giammarco, Kristin M. View
2019 Mission Scenario Generation and Characterization to Support Acquisition Decisions for Long Range Precision Fires-Maritime (LRPF-M) NPS Naval Research Program Giammarco, Kristin M. View
2017 Verification and Validation (V&V) of System Behavior Specifications Systems Engineering Giammarco, Kristin M. View
2020 Preliminary Nuclear Reactor Ontology Verification Using Monterey Phoenix Systems Engineering Giammarco, Kristin M. View
2017 Behavioral Set Based Design Using Monterey Phoenix Systems Engineering Giammarco, Kristin M. View
2016 Generation of Human Views with Monterey Phoenix Systems Engineering Giammarco, Kristin M. View
2023 Acquisition Decision Support with Monterey Phoenix Naval Research Program Giammarco, Kristin M. View
2023 Increasing Accuracy and Realism of Simulated Naval Tactics with Monterey Phoenix Behavior Models Naval Research Program Giammarco, Kristin M. View
2010 Modeling and Assessment of the C4ISR OTM Event 09 Architecture Systems Engineering Giammarco, Kristin M. View
2009 Modeling and Assessment of the C4ISR OTM Event 09 Architecture Systems Engineering Giammarco, Kristin M. View
2009 Formal Modeling of User Demand-Based Network Systems Systems Engineering Giammarco, Kristin M. View
2007 Cultural and Social Factors That Are Likely to Influence Civilian Behaviors Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Gibbons, Deborah E. View
2010 Irregular Warfare (IW) Methods, Models, and Tools (MMT) Infrastructure and Essential Services Ontology Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Gibbons, Deborah E. View
2010 Applying Social Control Theory to Modeling and Assessments Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Gibbons, Deborah E. View
2015 Integrating Women Into NSW Combat Roles Naval Research Program Gibbons, Deborah E. View
2022 Framing Effects on Stigma and Help-Seeking Naval Research Program Gibbons, Deborah E. View
2014 Integrating Women Into NSW Combat Roles Naval Research Program Gibbons, Deborah E. View