Research Summaries
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2021 2d Generation Automated Simulation System Prototype for Wargaming Execution (2GASSPWE) Research and Development Project Operations Research Appleget, Jeffrey A. View
2021 2021 PEO IWS Sponsored Acquisition Research Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Mortlock, Robert F. View
2021 2021 AETC DAC3 Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Sands, Timothy A. View
2020 XM1155 Seeker Performance Trade Study Systems Engineering O'Halloran, Bryan M. View
2020 Women, Peace and Security Phase 3B ToT Workshop Peru Defense Analysis Christensen, Nathan P. View
2020 Women, Peace and Security Phase 3B ToT Workshop Paraguay Defense Analysis Christensen, Nathan P. View
2020 Women, Peace & Security: Support Program Defense Analysis Christensen, Nathan P. View
2020 Women of the Workforce - Wellness in Leadership Program Center for Executive Education McAnally, Winli View
2020 Water Quality in Bar-Built Estuaries Oceanography Dawson, Jason M. View
2020 Waste Heat Recovery Research Energy Academic Group (EAG) Howard, Alan R. View
2020 Wake Dynamics and Detection: Environmental Influences Oceanography Radko, Timour View
2020 Virtual Environments to Support Development of Underwater Autonomy Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Bingham, Brian S. View
2020 Virtual Environment to Support Ocean Robotics Consortium for Robotics & Unmanned Systems Education & Research Bingham, Brian S. View
2020 Velella Sensors & Cost Effective CTD Oceanography MacMahan, James H. View
2020 Vector Sensor Performance from Moored and Drifting Platforms Physics Smith, Kevin B. View
2020 Vector Field Studies in Shallow Water Physics Smith, Kevin B. View
2020 VNotes For Maintenance Computer Science Balogh, Imre L. View
2020 Utility of a Dual Accelerometer-Gyroscope Based on Atom Interferometers for Inertial Navigation Physics Narducci, Francesco A. View
2020 Using Open Source Natural Language Processing to Inform Clearance Worthiness Data Science and Analytics Group Dell, Robert F. View
2020 Updated Optical Turbulence Climatology Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View