Research Summaries
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2013 Seminar on Trans-Atlantic Civil Security Course Development Operations Research Bellenkes, Andrew H. View
2013 Seminar on Trans-Atlantic Civil Security Course Operations Research Bellenkes, Andrew H. View
2013 Seismic Acoustic Sensor Evaluation and Integration Center for Asymmetric Warfare Jaeger, Alan W. View
2013 Security and Development Certificate Programs: Civil Military Operations and the Rule of Law Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Guttieri, Karen R. View
2013 Secure Software Distribution and Protocol Study Computer Science Volpano, Dennis M. View
2013 Secure Mobile Devices Analysis Computer Science Dinolt, George W. View
2013 Secretary of the Navy Office of Small Business Programs Sponsored Research Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Kidalov, Maxim V. View
2013 Science of Multi-INT (SOMI) Community of Interest Support Electrical & Computer Engineering Scrofani, James W. View
2013 Science and Technology Support for Office of Naval Research Code 341 Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Chatelier, Paul R. View
2013 Scalable Nonhydrostatic Unified Models of the Atmosphere with Moisture Applied Mathematics Giraldo, Francis X. View
2013 SEM PD-21 DL Program Systems Engineering Owen, Walter E. View
2013 SE Competency Model Development and Survey Tool Systems Engineering Whitcomb, Clifford A. View
2013 SBIR Management Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies Bluth, Robert T. View
2013 Right Size Virologic Surveillance Project Operations Research Dimitrov, Nedialko B. View
2013 Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Post-Detonation Nuclear Forensics Physics Smith, Craig F. View
2013 Research of Composite Materials and Structures to Naval Applications Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Kwon, Young W. View
2013 Research Support to the Naval Supply Systems Command Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Euske, Kenneth J. View
2013 Remote Sensing Support for Counter-IED Operations Physics Olsen, Richard C. View
2013 Reference-Denied Signal Collection Enhancement in Dense Interface Via Multi-Platform Signal Fusion Electrical & Computer Engineering Romero, Ric N. View
2013 Reduced Physics Modeling of Acoustic Field Statistics for Deep and Shallow Water Environments: Simulation and Observational Oceanography Colosi, John A. View