Research Summaries
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2007 Coalition Warfare Project: Unet Coalition Interoperability Physics Rice, Joseph A. View
2007 Coalition Warfare: Unet Coalition Interoperability Physics Rice, Joseph A. View
2007 Coastal Ocean Currents Monitoring Program (COCMP) Oceanography Paduan, Jeffrey D. View
2007 Cognitive Assistants That Use Machine Learning: Boot Camp Preparation and Conceptual Modeling Computer Science Luqi View
2007 Collaboration and Knowledge Management (CKM) Information Sciences Hutchins, Susan G. View
2007 Collaborative AUV Operations Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Horner, Douglas P. View
2007 Collaborative Research: Benthic Layer Geochemistry and Physics at the Kilo Nalu Observatory Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2007 Collaborative Research: Carbon Cycling in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas - Field and Modeling Oceanography Maslowski, Wieslaw View
2007 Collaborative Research: Dynamic and Thermodynamic Control of Tropical Intensity in Sheared Environments Meteorology Montgomery, Michael T. View
2007 Collaborative Research: Environmental Variability, Bowhead Whale Distributions, and Inupiat Subsistence Whaling-Linkage and Resilience of an Alaskan Coastal System Oceanography Maslowski, Wieslaw View
2007 Collaborative Research: Estimation and Assessment of Errors in High Frequency Radar Ocean Current Measurements Oceanography Paduan, Jeffrey D. View
2007 Collaborative Research: ISPOL-1 Turbulent Flux Project Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2007 Collaborative Research: NBD: an Abstraction Driven Approach to Characterizing and Designing Networks with Analyzable Properties Computer Science Xie, Geoffrey G. View
2007 Collaborative Research: NETS-NBD: A Revolutionary 4D Approach to Network-Wide Control and Management Computer Science Xie, Geoffrey G. View
2007 Collaborative Research: Nearshore Canyon Experiment Oceanography Herbers, Thomas H.C. View
2007 Collaborative Research: Studies of the Influence of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current on the Atlantic Meridional Circulation Oceanography Radko, Timour View
2007 Collaborative Research: the Maud Rise Nonlinear Equation of State Study (MaudNESS) Meteorology Guest, Peter S. View
2007 Collaborative Research: the Maud Rise Nonlinear Equation of State Study (MaudNESS) Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2007 Combining Simulations for Human Intelligence Training Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Sullivan, Joseph A. View
2007 Combining Simulations for Human Intelligence Training Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute McDowell, Perry L. View