Research Summaries
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2007 USMC College of Continuing Education Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Moule, Valerie A. View
2007 USSTRATCOM Global Defense Posture Study Support and Improvements to JDAFS and ASC-U Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Buss, Arnold H. View
2007 Undersea Propagation of Wide-Band Acoustic Signals Physics Torres, Juan C. View
2007 Undersea Warfare Extendible Markup Language (USW-XML) Working Group for Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Community of Interest (COI) Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Brutzman, Donald P. View
2007 Undersea Warfare Extensible Markup Language Working Group for Anti-Submarine Warfare Community of Interest Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Brutzman, Donald P. View
2007 Understand the Air-Sea Coupling Processes in High Wind Conditions Using a Synthesized Data Analysis and Modeling Approach Meteorology Wang, Qing View
2007 Understanding and Parameterization of Nearshore Turbulent Fluxes in the Coastal Zone Meteorology Wang, Qing View
2007 Understanding and Predicting Changes in the Workforce for Ocean Sciences, Technology, and Operations Meteorology Murphree, James T. View
2007 Understanding of Remote Authentication and Identification of Authorized Parties Across Network Environments, and Detailed Study of Trusted Path Mechanisms Computer Science Dinolt, George W. View
2007 Ungoverned Spaces National Security Affairs Clunan, Anne L. View
2007 United States Marine Corps Warfighting Lab (MCWL) Distributed Operation Tactical Command and Control (DOTC2) Research Project Information Sciences Oros, Carl L. View
2007 United States Marine Corps Warfighting Lab Support Company and Below Wireless Network Infrastructure and Management (WNIM) Project Information Sciences Oros, Carl L. View
2007 Urban Cultural Geography in Stability Operations Operations Research Kress, Moshe View
2007 Use of the Satellite-Borne Sensor Data in Real-Time Assessment of EA/IO/ISR Effectiveness and Detection Vulnerability Meteorology Davidson, Kenneth L. View
2007 Using Simulation to Enhance Joint Testing of Systems of Systems Operations Research Lucas, Thomas W. View
2007 Valid Constitutive- and Relevant Failure- Models for SNAGCU Solder Alloys Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Dutta, Indranath View
2007 Valuation and Risk Assessment of Rapid Equipping Force Options (REF) Information Sciences Housel, Thomas J. View
2007 Vehicle Motion and Other Human Systems Integration (HSI) Issues in Future Combat Systems (FSC) Ground Vehicle Design and Development Operations Research McCauley, Michael E. View
2007 Verification, Validation and Accreditation Ontology for M&S Systems Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Blais, Curtis L. View
2007 Verification, Validation, and Accreditation (VV&A) Standardization Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Blais, Curtis L. View