Research Summaries
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2007 Network Aware Business Data Management Architecture Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Tudor, Ronnie B. View
2007 Network Interdiction for Information Operations Operations Research Carlyle, William M. View
2007 Network on the Move Broadband Satellite Information Sciences Bordetsky, Alexander B. View
2007 Next-Generation Global and Mesoscale Atmospheric Models Applied Mathematics Giraldo, Francis X. View
2007 Non-Imaging Systems Physics Olsen, Richard C. View
2007 Non-Imaging Systems 2 Computer Science Kolsch, Mathias N. View
2007 Non-Linear Multivariable Run-To-Run Control of Photolithography Applied Mathematics Kang, Wei View
2007 OAML Documentation and Approval of Boundary Layer Model to Meet RF/IR Impact Requirements Meteorology Davidson, Kenneth L. View
2007 ONESAF Behavior Verification Automation Computer Science Auguston, Mikhail View
2007 ONETESS Development Monitor and Support Service Information Sciences Baer, Wolfgang View
2007 ONR Ocean Acoustics Project Management Oceanography Chiu, Ching-Sang View
2007 ONR Ocean Acoustics Project Management Oceanography Chiu, Ching-Sang View
2007 OSD Sponsored Acquisition Research Program at the Naval Postgraduate School Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Snider, Keith F. View
2007 OSD Support for Remote Sensing Research Physics Olsen, Richard C. View
2007 Ocean-Ice Interaction Measurements Using Autonomous Ocean Flux Buoys in the Arctic Observing System Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2007 On-Orbit System Identification and Slew Maneuver for Flexible Spacecraft Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Agrawal, Jr., Brij N. View
2007 Online IDL Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Hazard, Thomas R. View
2007 Open Source Collection and Analysis Effort on Anti-Satellite Organizations National Security Affairs Russell, James A. View
2007 Operational Assessment of RF/IR Sensor Detection of Near-Surface Low Cross Section and Low Observable Targets Meteorology Davidson, Kenneth L. View
2007 Operational Test and Evaluation Support for Information Operations and Information Assurance Information Sciences Boger, Dan C. View