Research Summaries
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2007 JIIB-JSBA 06 Architecture Analysis and Process Modeling Information Sciences Kimmel, Richard A. View
2007 JPM IS JEM Data Accreditation Support National Security Affairs Johnson, Thomas H. View
2007 JTF-HD Exercises Center for Asymmetric Warfare Boger, Dan C. View
2007 Joint Battle Management Language (JBML) Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Blais, Curtis L. View
2007 Joint Defender Test and Evaluation Operations Research Kline, Jeffery E. View
2007 Joint Defender Test and Evaluation Operations Research Kline, Jeffery E. View
2007 Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Analysis Project Information Technology & Communication Services Wyatt, Todd View
2007 Joint Intelligence Interoperability Board (JIIB) Systems Baseline Assessment (JSBA 06) Information Sciences Kimmel, Richard A. View
2007 Joint Intelligence Interoperability Board (JIIB) Systems Baseline Assessment JSBA 07 Information Sciences Kimmel, Richard A. View
2007 Joint Intelligence Virtual University Cultural Studies Development Information Sciences Van Hise, John View
2007 Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) Netcentric Certification Office (NCO) Cebrowski Institute Gunderson, Christopher R. View
2007 Joint Mobile Network Operations Joint Test and Evaluation Computer Science Singh, Gurminder View
2007 Joint Multi-Mission Electro-Optic System (JMMES) Information Sciences Kimmel, Richard A. View
2007 Joint Systems Baseline Assessment (JSBA) FY07 Information Sciences Kimmel, Richard A. View
2007 Joint Technology Office Educational Grant for High Energy Laser Studies in the Naval Postgraduate School Physics Department Physics Colson, William B. View
2007 Joint Threat Warning System Defense Analysis Arquilla, John J. View
2007 Joint Threat Warning System: Phase 2 Defense Analysis Arquilla, John J. View
2007 KCD Integration Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Tudor, Ronnie B. View
2007 KVA-Real Options Training Information Sciences Housel, Thomas J. View
2007 Knowledgeable Network Addressable Terminals (KNATS) Enabling Multi-Point Wireless Network Topology Applied on Micro Level to Robots and Sensors in a Field Environment Electrical & Computer Engineering Bledsoe View