Research Summaries
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2014 Effects and Return on Investment for Regional Training Pilot Naval Research Program Jaeger, Alan W. View
2017 A Matched Retrospective Cohort Study of Career Outcomes of Sexual Assault Victims Naval Research Program Whitaker, Lyn R. View
2018 Modifying the Agent Based OSM Framework to Support Wargaming for Surface Tactics Development Naval Research Program Kline, Jeffery E. View
2019 COTS Solution for Adaptive Communications Paths Using Tactical Handhelds NPS Naval Research Program Singh, Gurminder View
2020 Digital Enterprise Support - China Lake Joint Interagency Field Experimentation Program Buettner, Jr., Raymond R. View
2023 Modernized Training Technologies and Distance Learning Strategies Naval Research Program Rowe, Neil C. View
2007 Skywalker Tests Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies Jonsson, Haflidi H. View
2007 Hastily Formed Networks Center Cebrowski Institute Steckler, Brian D. View
2009 California Homeland Security Consortium National Security Institute Boger, Dan C. View
2010 Naval Postgraduate School Support to Joint IED Defeat Test Board (JTB) National Security Institute Kimzey, Charles H. View
2015 Integration and Optimization of UUV/USV Operations in Environmental Characterization Naval Research Program Joseph, John E. View
2017 Development and Validation of SE-Based T&E Methodology for Assessing UxS Autonomy Naval Research Program Yakimenko, Oleg A. View
2018 Quantifying the Military Value of an LHA Expanded Adaptive Force Package: AMERICA Class Surface Action Group (SAG) Naval Research Program Kline, Jeffery E. View
2019 Computational Experimentation to Simplify and Optimize a Large-Scale Simulation of Resourcing Marine Corps Readiness NPS Naval Research Program Lucas, Thomas W. View
2023 Enhancing Trust in Battle-Management Systems That Use Artificial Intelligence with Multiple Methods Naval Research Program Mun, Johnathan C. View
2007 NPS/CIRPAS Support of the GoMACCS Experiment Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies Jonsson, Haflidi H. View
2007 Impact Burial Prediction for Mine Breaching Using IMPACT35 Meyer Institute Chu, Peter C. View
2008 Red Team Maritime IED National Security Institute Chu, Peter C. View
2010 California Homeland Security Consortium National Security Institute Kimzey, Charles H. View
2015 Long-Endurance, Integrated UUV/USV Tactical Environmental Sensing System Naval Research Program Joseph, John E. View