Research Summaries
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2018 Bulk Fuel Delivery in Support of Expeditionary Advance Base Operations Naval Research Program Howard, Alan R. View
2019 Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory (MCWL) Expeditionary Advance Base Operations (EABO) Wargaming NPS Naval Research Program Appleget, Jeffrey A. View
2023 Decision Science in the Navy Budget Naval Research Program Koyak, Robert A. View
2007 Berkeley Flight Testing Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies Bluth, Robert T. View
2007 Emergency Communications Requirements Analysis for Operations Golden Phoenix 2007 Cebrowski Institute Higgins, Susan L. View
2015 Alternative Fuel Usage Practices Naval Research Program Howard, Alan R. View
2017 Returns to Navy Funded Graduate Education: A Baseline Capture for CIVINS and an Examination of Service Obligation Requirements Naval Research Program Tick, Simona L. View
2018 Optimal Mission Planning for MCM Vehicles and Sensors Naval Research Program Kaminer, Isaac I. View
2019 Deep Analytics for MarineNet with Personalized Learning - Using the Pilot Data (Continuation) NPS Naval Research Program Kendall, Walter A. View
2023 Using AI and ML to Assess Submarine Critical Platforms Operational Availability Naval Research Program Ferrer, Geraldo L. View
2007 Flight Testing: Various Platforms Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies Bluth, Robert T. View
2007 Broad Based Maritime Collaboration Capability Cebrowski Institute Higgins, Susan L. View
2010 Singapore Foreign Military Sales Case-Short Course Delivery Research & Sponsored Programs Office van Bibber, Karl A. View
2015 CVN Speed of Advance Naval Research Program Howard, Alan R. View
2017 NATO Resilience and Nuclear Deterrence Naval Research Program Tsypkin, Mikhail View
2018 MEMS Direction Finding Acoustic Sensor Naval Research Program Karunasiri, Gamani View
2019 Optimized Network Emulation of Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Tactical Cyberspace Environments for MAGTF Training NPS Naval Research Program Balogh, Imre L. View
2023 Fuel Logistics Platform Requirements to Support Naval Surface Combatants and Expeditionary Marine Forces in INDOPACOM AOR Naval Research Program Jasper, Scott E. View
2007 UK FPASS Training Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies Bluth, Robert T. View
2008 Maritime Domain Awareness Cebrowski Institute Miller, Scot A. View