Research Summaries
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2009 Hose Selection Experiments Physics Denardo, Bruce C. View
2009 ONR FEL Development Program at NPS Physics Colson, William B. View
2011 Probabilistic Ceiling and Visibility Predictions for the Air Force Weather Agency Meteorology Hacker, Joshua P. View
2011 Evaluation of JSAF EM Propagation Prediction Methods for NCTE/Fleet Synthetic Training Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2013 Evaluation of Mesoscale Ensemble Prediction Suite for the Joint Precision Airdrop System Meteorology Hacker, Joshua P. View
2011 Adaptive Optics Center of Excellence for National Security Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Agrawal, Jr., Brij N. View
2015 Computational Methods with Applications to Data Assimilation Applied Mathematics Kang, Wei View
2016 Systems Engineering (SE) Department DIB engagements (FY15) Systems Engineering Karimova, Tahmina T. View
2016 Integrated Aerospace Guidance Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Karpenko, Mark View
2018 Dual Accelerometer- Gyroscope based on atom interferometers Physics Narducci, Francesco A. View
2020 Characterization of a Solid Propellant-Fueled RDE (Solid RDE) Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Brophy, Christopher M. View
2021 Smart Projectile Component Testing Physics McNab, Ian View
2007 Field Experimentation Program for Special Operations (FEPSO) Systems Engineering Vaidyanathan, Ravi View
2008 Naval Sea Systems Command, Theses and Curriculum Support Physics Larraza, Andres View
2009 Near Field Transport Imaging of Nanowires Physics Haegel, Nancy M. View
2009 Free Electron Laser Program Physics Colson, William B. View
2011 Mountainous Terrain Atmospheric Modeling and Observations Program Meteorology Hacker, Joshua P. View
2011 Improved Environment Characterization for AREPS EM Performance Predictions Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2013 Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Structure Changes in Relation to Vertical Structure and Upper-Level Outflow Meteorology Harr, Patrick A. View
2014 Spacecraft Systems Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Agrawal, Jr., Brij N. View