Research Summaries
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2016 Combat Systems Science and Engineering Curriculum Support Physics Smith, Kevin B. View
2018 Selective Denial of Service in Next Generation Cellular Networks Electrical & Computer Engineering Roth, John D. View
2019 Catalytic Production of Carbon Nanotubes in a Plasma Energy Academic Group (EAG) Phillips, Jonathan View
2020 Moldova Critical Network & Energy Security Education Program Energy Academic Group (EAG) Howard, Alan R. View
2021 Coastal Meteorology Analysis and Prediction Meteorology Nuss, Wendell A. View
2007 Receiver Operating Characteristic for Underwater Acoustic Modems Physics Wilson, Jason K. View
2008 Smart Lightweight IR Polymer Emitters for Individual (IIFF) and Vehicle (VMIFF) Identify Friend or Foe at Cobra Gold Physics Haegel, Nancy M. View
2008 Incorporation of Novel Initiation mechanism for Improving IM and Terminal Performance of the MK83 Physics Brown, Ronald E. View
2007 IPY: Towards Developing an Arctic Observing Network: An Array of Surface Buoys to Sample Turbulent Ocean Heat and Salt Fluxes During the IPY Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2011 Extending the NSLOT Model Wavelength Range Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2010 Multi-Scale Observational Analyses Within the "Marsupial Pouch" of Pre-Depression Tropical Disturbances Meteorology Bell, Michael M. View
2012 Convector Mapping Principle for Weighted Pseudospectral Methods Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Ross, Isaac M. View
2013 Aircraft Survivability Education and Research Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Adams, Christopher A. View
2015 Network Attack, Defense and Monitoring: Quantifying the Influence of Nodes on Structures Applied Mathematics Gera, Ralucca M. View
2016 Engineering Acoustics Distance Learning Program Physics Smith, Kevin B. View
2020 Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Collaboration on Energy Resiliency Energy Academic Group (EAG) Howard, Alan R. View
2021 CA Smoke Mission Analysis Meteorology Bucholtz, Anthony View
2007 Maximizing the Utility of Shipboard Systems: Shipboard Missile Reloading and Integration Study Systems Engineering Green, John M. View
2008 High Z Materials for Nuclear Detection: Synergy of Growth, Characterization and Defect Physics for Room Temperature Devices Physics Haegel, Nancy M. View
2008 Research Supporting the ONR FEL INP Physics Colson, William B. View