Research Summaries
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2014 Rupture Dynamics, Validation of the Numerical Simulation Method Applied Mathematics Kozdon, Jeremy E. View
2013 Further Development of the Patchy Method for Solving the Partial Difference and Differential Equations of Nonlinear Control Applied Mathematics Krener, Arthur J. View
2013 NPS-NRL-Rice-UIUC Collaboration on Navy Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Models on Many-Core Computer Architectures Applied Mathematics Wilcox, Lucas C. View
2014 Canright NSA Sabbatical Applied Mathematics Canright, David R. View
2015 Network Attack, Defense and Monitoring: Quantifying the Influence of Nodes on Structures Applied Mathematics Gera, Ralucca M. View
2015 Support to the DLA Office of Operations Research and Resource Analysis Applied Mathematics Gera, Ralucca M. View
2012 Collaborative Research: Efficient Unstructured Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Global Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Modeling Applied Mathematics Giraldo, Francis X. View
2018 Computational Methods and Nonlinear Filters for Data Assimilation Applied Mathematics Kang, Wei View
2015 Ice-Sheet/Ocean Interaction Model for Greenland Fjords Using High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods Applied Mathematics Giraldo, Francis X. View
2014 Multi-Rate High-Order Time-Integrators for Adaptive Local High-Order Discretization Methods Applied Mathematics Giraldo, Francis X. View
2019 PLEASE: Personalized Learning Environment Authoring System for Education Applied Mathematics Gera, Ralucca M. View
2013 Scalable Nonhydrostatic Unified Models of the Atmosphere with Moisture Applied Mathematics Giraldo, Francis X. View
2016 TRAC Precision-guided Munition Effects Representation Applied Mathematics Zhou, Hong View
2015 Computational Methods with Applications to Data Assimilation Applied Mathematics Kang, Wei View
2015 Mitigating the Curse of Dimensionality Using Sparse Grids Applied Mathematics Kang, Wei View
2014 Some Issues on Optimization and Algorithms for Data Assimilation Applied Mathematics Kang, Wei View
2015 Mutiscale Dynamic Rupture Simulations Using Adaptive Mesh Refinement Applied Mathematics Kozdon, Jeremy E. View
2015 Rupture Dynamics, Validation of the Numerical Simulation Method Applied Mathematics Kozdon, Jeremy E. View
2015 Further Development of the Patchy Method for Solving the Partial Difference and Differential Equations of Nonlinear Control Applied Mathematics Krener, Arthur J. View
2015 Speeding Up Model Predictive Control and Moving Horizon Estimation Applied Mathematics Krener, Arthur J. View