Research Summaries
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2010 Assessment of Unmanned Systems for Wildland Fire Fighting Center for Asymmetric Warfare Boger, Dan C. View
2010 Cyber Attack and Security Exercise Center for Asymmetric Warfare Boger, Dan C. View
2011 CNIC FY11 Technical Support for Training and Readiness Objectives Center for Asymmetric Warfare Jaeger, Alan W. View
2009 Defense Coordinating Officer (DCO)/Defense Coordinating Element (DCE) Certification Exercise for the 196th Infantry Training Brigade Center for Asymmetric Warfare Banks, David D. View
2011 100th Precision Targeting Program Center for Asymmetric Warfare Jaeger, Alan W. View
2009 Observe Vietnam Exercise on Search and Rescue Center for Asymmetric Warfare Banks, David D. View
2010 Study of Pakistan Army Operational Lessons Learned in Counter-IED and Counterinsurgency Center for Asymmetric Warfare Jaeger, Alan W. View
2009 CNIC FY09 Training, Exercise Assessment Center for Asymmetric Warfare Banks, David D. View
2010 Tidewater Full Scale Exercise Program Center for Asymmetric Warfare Jaeger, Alan W. View
2009 FY09 Site Survey Assessment Center for Asymmetric Warfare Banks, David D. View
2011 LMC Disaster Management Workshop Center for Asymmetric Warfare Jaeger, Alan W. View
2009 Vietnam Visit and Education Exchange on Search and Rescue, HA/DR and Observing Exercise Center for Asymmetric Warfare Banks, David D. View
2009 Subject Matter Expert Exchange on Search and Rescue Response Plan and Exercise Planning Center for Asymmetric Warfare Banks, David D. View
2009 Vietnam Incident Command System Workshop and Application in Search and Rescue, Disaster Response Center for Asymmetric Warfare Banks, David D. View
2009 Technical Support for Airborne Electronic Attack, Jamming and Technical Optimization Program Center for Asymmetric Warfare Banks, David D. View
2009 196th SME Support for Civil Support Team Exercises Center for Asymmetric Warfare Banks, David D. View
2009 Maritime Counterterrorism Studies Center for Asymmetric Warfare Banks, David D. View
2009 School Terrorism Awareness and Response Exercise Center for Asymmetric Warfare Banks, David D. View
2009 Research, Development and Analysis of an Exercise to Evaluate Mass Evacuation Plans Center for Asymmetric Warfare Banks, David D. View
2009 Development and Evaluation of Collaborative and Rapid Team Optimization System Center for Asymmetric Warfare Banks, David D. View