Research Summaries
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2007 Online IDL Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Hazard, Thomas R. View
2007 ADET Collaborative Learning Environment Portal Development and Support Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Moule, Valerie A. View
2007 IS3210: Information and Knowledge Management Issues in Defense Course Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Moule, Valerie A. View
2007 Support of JFCOM/JKDDC Multi-National Agenda Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Moule, Valerie A. View
2007 SE Certification Program Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Moule, Valerie A. View
2007 USMC College of Continuing Education Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Moule, Valerie A. View
2007 DL Innovation Labor-Linguist Support Program Via Mobile DL Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Moule, Valerie A. View
2007 Regional Security Cooperation Network and Joint Knowledge Development and Distribution Capability Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Moule, Valerie A. View
2008 JFCOM/JKDDC/NATO/PFP Consortium Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Hazard, Thomas R. View
2008 NSA ADET - Blackboard Support and Development Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Moule, Valerie A. View
2008 DL Certificate Program Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Moule, Valerie A. View
2007 DL Certificate Program Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Moule, Valerie A. View
2010 DL Certificate and OIDL Programs Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Mastre, Thomas M. View
2011 Masters of Systems Analysis and Systems Analysis Certificate Program Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Mastre, Thomas M. View
2009 Distributed Learning Degree and Certificate Programs Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Mastre, Thomas M. View
2009 Distance Learning Online Certificate Programs Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Mastre, Thomas M. View
2009 CED3 Distributed Learning Training for Associate Directorate for Education and Training (ADET) Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Mastre, Thomas M. View
2015 Joint Foreign Area Officer Phase II Program Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Mastre, Thomas M. View
2014 CED3 Support to Joint Foreign Area Officer (FAO) Skills Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Mastre, Thomas M. View
2012 CED3 Center for Education Design, Development & Distribution Mastre, Thomas M. View