Research Summaries
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2012 ACAF: Electromagnetic Ducting Climatology Enhancements Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2011 Probabilistic Ceiling and Visibility Predictions for the Air Force Weather Agency Meteorology Hacker, Joshua P. View
2011 Evaluation of JSAF EM Propagation Prediction Methods for NCTE/Fleet Synthetic Training Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2013 Evaluation of Mesoscale Ensemble Prediction Suite for the Joint Precision Airdrop System Meteorology Hacker, Joshua P. View
2011 Mountainous Terrain Atmospheric Modeling and Observations Program Meteorology Hacker, Joshua P. View
2011 Improved Environment Characterization for AREPS EM Performance Predictions Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2013 Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Structure Changes in Relation to Vertical Structure and Upper-Level Outflow Meteorology Harr, Patrick A. View
2019 Implementing NAVSLaM with the NRL Digital Optical Channel Program (DOC-P) Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2011 Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Formation and Structure Change in TCS08 and TCS08 Experiment Support Meteorology Harr, Patrick A. View
2012 CNMOC Independent Review Panel (CIMPREP) for the Voice of America Coverage Analysis Program (VOACAP) Meteorology Guest, Peter S. View
2013 The Probabilistic Nature of Extended-Range Predictions of Tropical Cyclone Activity and Tracks as a Factor in Forecasts of Tropical-Extratropical Interactions Meteorology Harr, Patrick A. View
2019 Collaborative Research: Processes that regulate vertical accelerations in supercell updrafts Meteorology Peters, John M. View
2007 CMG: Analysis of Transport, Mixing, and Coherent Structures in Hurricane Intensity Meteorology Montgomery, Michael T. View
2011 Further Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Formation in the Western North Pacific Region as Part of the TCS08 DRI Meteorology Montgomery, Michael T. View
2013 NASA Hurricane and Sever Storm Sentinel (HS3) Observations for Testing Environmental Control Meteorology Harr, Patrick A. View
2019 Collaborative Proposal: Improving Understanding of the Internal Structure/Dynamics of Deep Convection Using ARM Observations and Large Eddy Simulation Meteorology Peters, John M. View
2007 Wave Dynamics in Tropical Cyclones Meteorology Montgomery, Michael T. View
2011 Use of NASA Observations and Numerical Model Simulations to Understand the Hurricane 'Fuel' and 'Anti-Fuel' Problems Meteorology Montgomery, Michael T. View
2012 Continued Analysis on Multiscale Aspects of Tropical Cyclone Formation, Structure Change and Predictability in the Western North Pacific Region Meteorology Montgomery, Michael T. View
2019 The Effects of Optical Turbulence in the Coastal Atmospheric Boundary Layer on Electro-Optical Systems Meteorology Wauer, Benjamin J. View