Research Summaries
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2010 NPS ASW Certificate Program Meyer Institute Kapolka, Daphne View
2010 Demonstration of Aerosol Duct Sealing Technology at the Navy Facilities Meyer Institute Marquis, Fernand D.S. View
2010 Demonstration of Exterior Insulation Technology at the Department of the Navy Facilities Meyer Institute Marquis, Fernand D.S. View
2009 Critical Experiments in Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Phase 2B: Standard Heat Experiment Modeling and Analysis Meyer Institute Melich, Michael E. View
2008 Reducing the Barriers-To-Research Into the Fleischmann-Pons Effect (FPE): Phase 2, Produce, Test and Characterize the System for a Peer Reviewed, Publishable Instrumentation Paper Meyer Institute Melich, Michael E. View
2010 Underwater Bomb Trajectory Prediction for JABS from VSW to SW/DW Meyer Institute Chu, Peter C. View
2010 Bi-Dimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition (BEMD) for Mine Detection and Change Detection Meyer Institute Chu, Peter C. View
2011 NPS Chair of Undersea Warfare Program Meyer Institute Ellis, Winford G. View
2009 NPS Chair of Undersea Warfare Program Meyer Institute Ellis, Winford G. View
2011 Undersea Warfare Research Support Meyer Institute Ellis, Winford G. View
2009 USW Research Support Meyer Institute Ellis, Winford G. View
2011 Undersea Warfare Curricula Support Meyer Institute Ellis, Winford G. View
2009 NPS ASW Certificate Program Meyer Institute Ellis, Winford G. View
2011 NPS ASW Certificate Program Meyer Institute Kapolka, Daphne View
2009 USW Curriculum Support Meyer Institute Ellis, Winford G. View
2011 Demonstration of Aerosol Duct Sealing Technology at Department of the Navy Facilities Meyer Institute Marquis, Fernand D.S. View
2009 NPS Chair of Undersea Warfare Program Meyer Institute Ellis, Winford G. View
2011 Mini Max Experiments: Test Design and Analysis Consultation Meyer Institute Melich, Michael E. View
2009 Critical Experiments in Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Phase 2B: Standard Heat Experiment Modeling and Analysis Meyer Institute Melich, Michael E. View
2007 Navy Ship Design Meyer Institute Papoulias, Fotis A. View