Research Summaries
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2019 Network Classification with Incomplete Information NPS Naval Research Program Yoshida, Ruriko View
2019 Effectiveness of Training Systems that Employ Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Touchscreen Displays NPS Naval Research Program Sadagic, Amela View
2019 Hydrocode Analysis of Seabed Effector Initiation Options NPS Naval Research Program Didoszak, Jarema M. View
2019 MEMS Acoustic Sensor for UAV Detection and Localization NPS Naval Research Program Alves, Fabio D. View
2019 Officer of the Deck Competency Data Collection and Analysis NPS Naval Research Program Cunha, Jesse M. View
2019 Modeling and Simulation for Lifetime Predictions NPS Naval Research Program O'Halloran, Bryan M. View
2019 Modeling Large-Scale Warfighter Cognitive Reasoning and Decision Making Using Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Game Theory (Continuation) NPS Naval Research Program Zhao, Ying View
2019 Robust Modeling & Simulation to Support Medium Displacement Unmanned Surface Vehicle (MDUSV) Mission Set Development NPS Naval Research Program Paulo, Eugene P. View
2019 Modeling and Analysis of Total Ownership Cost for Surface Ship EO/IR Systems NPS Naval Research Program Mun, Johnathan C. View
2019 Manned-Unmanned Teaming in Distributed Maritime Operations NPS Naval Research Program Nissen, Mark E. View
2019 Unmanned Surface Logistics Concept of Support NPS Naval Research Program MacKinnon, Douglas J. View
2019 Sociotechnical System Evaluation of Naval Aviation Policies, Guidance, Training Events, and Training Systems NPS Naval Research Program Holness, Karen View
2019 Supply Chain Vulnerability Identification Using Big Data Techniques NPS Naval Research Program MacKinnon, Douglas J. View
2019 Optimized Transit Tool & Easy Reference (OTTER) Improved Data Analysis NPS Naval Research Program Howard, Alan R. View
2019 Operational Internal Wave Prediction Validation and Impacts NPS Naval Research Program Reeder, Davis B. View
2019 Implementing the DoN 30-Year R&D Plan: Creating and Sustaining a Culture That Values Learning, Strategic Agility, Collaboration and Innovation NPS Naval Research Program Brutzman, Donald P. View
2019 Aviation Depot Maintenance Throughput Optimization NPS Naval Research Program MacKinnon, Douglas J. View
2019 Hydrodynamically-based Detection of the Surface and Subsurface Wakes NPS Naval Research Program Joseph, John E. View
2019 Surface Warfare Proficiency Knowledge Management Architecture NPS Naval Research Program Nissen, Mark E. View
2019 Leveraging AI in Support of Decision Superiority – Enabling AI, a System of Systems Approach NPS Naval Research Program Johnson, Bonnie W. View