Research Summaries
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2013 FY13 Joint Threat Warning System (JTWS) RDT&E Electrical & Computer Engineering McEachen, II, John C. View
2013 Automated Program Analysis for Cyber Security Electrical & Computer Engineering McEachen, II, John C. View
2014 VET Control Teams Electrical & Computer Engineering McEachen, II, John C. View
2014 Design and Analysis of Software-Defined Networks Electrical & Computer Engineering McEachen, II, John C. View
2019 Data Mining and Blockchain for Computer Network Defense Electrical & Computer Engineering McEachen, II, John C. View
2021 Mobile Telecommunications Fundamentals Course Electrical & Computer Engineering McEachen, II, John C. View
2020 Augmented Reality Use During Aircraft Moves Decrease Aviation Ground Mishaps NPS Naval Research Program McDowell, Perry L. View
2016 Support for ONR Work on Strike Group Defender Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simulation Institute McDowell, Perry L. View
2017 Using Eye Tracking to Improve Intelligent Tutoring Naval Research Program McDowell, Perry L. View
2007 An Open Source Application for Viewing Military Exercises Transmitted Via the DIS Protocol in a CAVE Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute McDowell, Perry L. View
2007 Multi-Purpose Enterprise Simulation Suite (MPESS) Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute McDowell, Perry L. View
2007 A Fully Interoperable Open Source Visual Simulation Capability: Combining the Delta3D Open Source Game Engine with the Extensible M&S Framework Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute McDowell, Perry L. View
2018 Evaluating Student-Centered Instruction in a Military Classroom Naval Research Program McDowell, Perry L. View
2018 Using LVC Technology to Improve Naval Aviation Mission Planning and Execution Naval Research Program McDowell, Perry L. View
2009 M&S Support to NPS JIEDDO Project National Security Institute McDowell, Perry L. View
2019 Naval Postgraduate Outreach Support Computer Science McDowell, Perry L. View
2008 A Prototypical Game Environment to Improve Utilization of Constructive Simulations in Counter-IED Research Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute McDowell, Perry L. View
2008 Developing Game for MASINT Instruction Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute McDowell, Perry L. View
2007 Display and Visualization of Movement Predictions for Ground Vehicles Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute McDowell, Perry L. View
2007 Building Red Team Capability in Delta3D for JIEDDO Technical Gaming Team Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute McDowell, Perry L. View
2007 Combining Simulations for Human Intelligence Training Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute McDowell, Perry L. View
2015 LVC Simulation for Training, Analysis and Operations in a Digital Interoperable Battlefield Naval Research Program McDowell, Perry L. View
2008 Creation of a Realistic Open Source Combat Simulator Using Gait Tracking and Weapon Simulators Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute McDowell, Perry L. View
2015 Modeling and Analysis of Surface Navy Availability Maintenance Processes Naval Research Program McDowell, Perry L. View
2007 Modifying FOPCSIM and Delta3D Game Engines Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute McDowell, Perry L. View
2008 Integration of 3-D Game-Based Engine Technologies for Visualization, Rapid Terrain Generation, Physical Protection Simulation, Into the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center's Training Curriculum Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute McDowell, Perry L. View
2009 Investigations Into Using Game Engines as the Basis of Defense Based Game-Based Training and Analysis Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute McDowell, Perry L. View
2018 Thesis Support for Aviation Maintenance AR Tool Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simulation Institute McDowell, Perry L. View
2010 Damage Control Visualization Prototype Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute McDowell, Perry L. View
2010 Command and Control Training System Research and Development Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute McDowell, Perry L. View