Research Summaries
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2018 Russian Gray Maritime Networks for Hybrid Warfare Defense Analysis Porter, Wayne View
2018 Retention Analysis Model for Manpower and Personnel Analysis Naval Research Program Gates, William R. View
2018 Resonance Properties of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, as a Factor in Regional Wave Interaction Between Ocean and Atmosphere Physics Godin, Oleg A. View
2018 Reinforcement Learning for Modeling Large Scale Cognitive Reasoning (Phase II) Naval Research Program Zhao, Ying View
2018 Reforming Planning for the Slovenia Defense Institution Center for Civil-Military Relations Hussey, Benjamin T. View
2018 Real-Space Imbedding for Dynamics-Driven Generalized Team Orienteering Problems Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Ross, Isaac M. View
2018 Rapid Slews for Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter - Phase II Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Karpenko, Mark View
2018 Radio Frequency Data Collection Analysis Electrical & Computer Engineering Garren, David A. View
2018 Quantifying the Military Value of an LHA Expanded Adaptive Force Package: AMERICA Class Surface Action Group (SAG) Naval Research Program Kline, Jeffery E. View
2018 Quantifying and Understanding Atmospheric Turbulence Affecting Optical Propagation Meteorology Wang, Qing View
2018 Quantifying Optical Turbulence from Autonomous Wave Gliders Meteorology Hook, Anna View
2018 Quantifying HEL Weapon System Performance through a Layer of Fog or Low Level Clouds Naval Research Program Wang, Qing View
2018 Qualitative Measures of and Guidance for Navy Inclusiveness Naval Research Program Hall, Steven B. View
2018 Propagation of High Energy Lasers for Various Wavelengths, Power Levels, and Atmospheric Conditions Physics Blau, Joseph A. View
2018 Propagation Channel Assessment and Prediction (PCAP): A Global Refractivity Information Database (GRID) for Electronic Warfare Prediction Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2018 Promise or Peril? Nuclear Phase Out and International Security Defense Analysis Volpe, Tristan A. View
2018 Prevention, Relief, & Recovery (PR&R) FY18 Field Studies Program (FSP) Center for Civil-Military Relations Hussey, Benjamin T. View
2018 Planning Big-Data Distributed Processing for Combat ID Naval Research Program Rowe, Neil C. View
2018 Physical Layer Security for Transmissions Involving Beamforming Electrical & Computer Engineering Kragh, Frank E. View
2018 Philippines Protection of civilians (POC) Training of Trainers (ToT) Course Center for Civil-Military Relations Hussey, Benjamin T. View
2018 Persistent Network Development Analytics Defense Analysis Lee, Doowan View
2018 PEO IWS Sponsored Acquisition Research Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Snider, Keith F. View
2018 Overcoming Barriers to Technology Innovation Systems Engineering Hernandez, Alejandro D.S. View
2018 Optimized Fuel Scheduling for Military Sealift Command's Combat Logistics Force Operations Research Carlyle, William M. View
2018 Optimization of Sensor Operation for Search, Surveillance, and Rapid Accurate Decision Making in Maritime, Littoral, and Urban Environments Operations Research Szechtman, Roberto View
2018 Optimization Models for Nuclear Prototype Training Allocation and Scheduling Operations Research Dell, Robert F. View
2018 Optimal Cooperative Control of Multi-Body Dynamical Systems  Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Karpenko, Mark View
2018 Optimal Payload for Multi-Mission Unmanned Systems Naval Research Program Kress, Moshe View
2018 Optimal Mission Planning for MCM Vehicles and Sensors Naval Research Program Kaminer, Isaac I. View
2018 Optical Messaging with QR Codes, Digital Flashing Light (DFL), Signal Flags and Li-Fi Networking (Continuation) Naval Research Program Brutzman, Donald P. View