Research Summaries
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2007 Joint Threat Warning System: Phase 2 Defense Analysis Arquilla, John J. View
2010 Winning in Afghanistan-Separating Illusion from Reality FY10 Defense Analysis Arquilla, John J. View
2010 Iranian Futures Workshop, I Defense Analysis Arquilla, John J. View
2010 Iranian Futures Workshop, II Defense Analysis Arquilla, John J. View
2009 Network Warfare: What's Next? FY09 (U) Information Operations Center of Excellence Defense Analysis Arquilla, John J. View
2023 Improving the Fidelity of Modeling IFC and ROE Use by Security Forces in a Crowd Control Context Naval Research Program Aros, Susan K. View
2021 Assessing Inclusion Behaviors and Impact of Inclusion within the Fleet NPS Naval Research Program Arkes, Jeremy A. View
2020 Healthy Command Environments: Definitions, Risk Factors, and Protective Factors Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Arkes, Jeremy A. View
2021 How Marine Recruiter Quality and Other Factors Affect Enlistee Quality NPS Naval Research Program Arkes, Jeremy A. View
2020 The Effects of Minority/Female Role Models and Diversity on Retention NPS Naval Research Program Arkes, Jeremy A. View
2014 Expeditionary Supply Chains: Operational Analysis Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Apte, Uday M. View
2013 Naval Postgraduate School Support for Logistic Operational Analysis, Office of Naval Research Science and Technology Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Apte, Aruna U. View
2014 Naval Postgraduate School Support for Logistic Operational Analysis, Office of Naval Research Science and Technology Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Apte, Aruna U. View
2018 NPS Wargaming Education Enterprise Operations Research Appleget, Jeffrey A. View
2021 System Operator Modeling Advancement with Naval Postgraduate School Operations Research Appleget, Jeffrey A. View
2010 Irregular Warfare (IW) Methods and Tools (MMT) Tactical Validation, Verification and Accreditation (VV&A) Project Operations Research Appleget, Jeffrey A. View
2009 Irregular Warfare (IW) Methods and Tools (MMT) Tactical Validation, Verification and Accreditation (VV&A) Project Operations Research Appleget, Jeffrey A. View
2021 Basic Analytic Wargaming Course Mobile Education Team (MET) Operations Research Appleget, Jeffrey A. View
2018 Combined, Joint and Coalition Warfare at Sea—Distributed Maritime Operations (DMO) Naval Research Program Appleget, Jeffrey A. View
2011 Agent Based Modeling Operations Research Appleget, Jeffrey A. View