Research Summaries
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2007 State-of-the-Art Commercial Internet Ordering and Billing Service Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Tudor, Ronnie B. View
2007 Advanced Acquisition Program 29-81 Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Dillard, John T. View
2009 DON Chief Management Officer: A Workshop to Explore Foundations for the CMO/DCMO in the Department of the Navy Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Brook, Douglas A. View
2007 Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Undersea Warfare (USW) Curriculum Development Dean of Graduate School of Engineering & Applied Science Brutzman, Donald P. View
2010 Naval Space Systems Academic Chair Space Systems Academic Group Panholzer, Rudolf View
2011 Seaweb ASW Sensor Network Physics Rice, Joseph A. View
2010 Numerical Modeling Efforts in Support of 3-D Environmental Variability and Acoustic Vector Field Studies Physics Smith, Kevin B. View
2012 Analysis of Underwater Acoustic Sensor Performance Mounted on a Glider Physics Smith, Kevin B. View
2013 State-Space Analysis of Model Error: A Probabilistic Parameter Estimation Framework with Spatial Analysis of Variance Meteorology Nuss, Wendell A. View
2015 Personal Protective Materials Based on Carbon Nanofiber Foams and Shear Thickening Suspensions Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Osswald, Sebastian View
2019 CMIS1 FY20 Research Support Electrical & Computer Engineering Scrofani, James W. View
2007 Electronic Attack Array Antenna System Electrical & Computer Engineering Adler, Richard W. View
2007 Space Systems Operations Student Thesis Research and Experience Tour Space Systems Academic Group Panholzer, Rudolf View
2011 Maritime In Situ Sensing Inter-Operable Network Physics Rice, Joseph A. View
2011 Support for Studies on Current Transduction Systems and Measurement Infrastructure Physics Smith, Kevin B. View
2012 National Consortium for Research Management Project Physics Trask, David M. View
2013 Mountainous Terrain Atmospheric Modeling and Observations Program Meteorology Nuss, Wendell A. View
2015 Characterization of Particles Formed Via Laser-Driven Hydrothermal Processing Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Menon, Sarath K. View
2017 Development of Low-Loss Engine Inlets for Rotating Detonation Engines Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Brophy, Christopher M. View
2020 NAVSEA Ship Design Chair Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Hobson, Garth V. View