Research Summaries
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2007 ITR Synthetic Environment for Continuous Experimentation Information Sciences Dolk, Daniel R. View
2015 Ice-Sheet/Ocean Interaction Model for Greenland Fjords Using High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Methods Applied Mathematics Giraldo, Francis X. View
2008 Identify Management Education Program: Year 1 Operation Computer Science Irvine, Cynthia E. View
2018 Identifying Active Duty Middle Managers’ Challenges and Remedies for Addressing Gray Zone Sexual Harassment Behaviors Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Thomas, Gail F. View
2020 Identifying Anomalous Network Flow Activity Using Cloud Honeypots NPS Naval Research Program Rowe, Neil C. View
2019 Identifying Traits that May Lead to Unethical Decision Making and Destructive Behavior in Navy Recruiters NPS Naval Research Program Van Bossuyt, Douglas View
2007 Identifying and Attributing Responsibility for Biological Weapons Use National Security Affairs Lavoy, Peter View
2021 Identity Dynamics, Needs, and Social Influences on Human Effects of Flashbang Grenades Naval Research Program Baylouny, Anne M. View
2021 Identity Dynamics, Needs, and Social Influences on Human Effects of Flashbang Grenades NPS Naval Research Program Baylouny, Anne M. View
2009 Identity Management Education Program Year 1 Operations Computer Science Irvine, Cynthia E. View
2008 Identity Management Education Program: Launch Preparation Computer Science Irvine, Cynthia E. View
2010 Identity and Database Challenges for Force Protection Defense Analysis Greenshields, Brian H. View
2010 Identity and Database Challenges for Force Protection Computer Science Garfinkel, Simson L. View
2010 Identity and Database Challenges for Force Protection Computer Science Martell, Craig H. View
2010 Identity and Database Challenges for Force Protection Computer Science Peterson, Zachary N. View
2010 Identity and Database Challenges for Force Protection Computer Science Eagle, Christopher S. View
2010 Identity and Database Challenges for Force Protection Computer Science Irvine, Cynthia E. View
2010 Identity and Database Challenges for Force Protection Defense Analysis Tucker, David View
2013 Ilities Tradespace and Affordability Program Systems Engineering Madachy, Raymond J. View
2013 Ilities Tradespace and Affordability Program Systems Engineering Madachy, Raymond J. View