Research Summaries
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2009 Army Modeling and Simulation Management Curriculum and Delivery Systems Engineering Paulo, Eugene P. View
2010 Special Capabilities Support to the USD (I) Physics Olsen, Richard C. View
2012 Novel Battery Management System with Distributed Wireless Sensors Physics Osswald, Sebastian View
2013 Deep Seaweb Acoustic Communications and Underwater Networking Physics Rice, Joseph A. View
2013 Improved Radar Modeling and Environmental Integration for Accurate Electromagnetic Assessments Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2015 Precision Guidance Applications of Pseudospectral Optimal Control Theory Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Karpenko, Mark View
2018 Energy Systems Technology Evaluation Program (ESTEP) Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Gannon, Anthony J. View
2018 System of Systems Engineering & Integration short course not for graduate credit Systems Engineering Owen, Walter E. View
2008 Naval Space Systems Academic Chair Space Systems Academic Group Panholzer, Rudolf View
2009 Technology Review and Update (TRAU) for Technical Personnel Space Systems Academic Group Panholzer, Rudolf View
2009 MSSSO Program Systems Engineering Rhoades, Mark M. View
2010 Spectral Analysis - Indian Head Physics Olsen, Richard C. View
2012 The Consolidation of Naval Networks NGEN and ONENET Into a Single Service Enterprise Physics Reyes, Jose J. View
2013 Maritime In Situ Sensing Inter-Operable Networks, Transmission Security 6.3 Physics Rice, Joseph A. View
2014 Advanced Climate Analysis and Forecasting Electromagnetic Quality Control Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2015 Two Wheel Only Large Angle Attitude Slew Maneuver Controller Design and Development Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Karpenko, Mark View
2018 ICEX2018: NPS Acoustics Oceanography Reeder, Davis B. View
2008 Naval Space Systems Engineering and Acquisition Chair Space Systems Academic Group Scott, Alan D. View
2009 Naval Space Systems Academic Chair Space Systems Academic Group Panholzer, Rudolf View
2009 Design of Advanced Power Systems for War-Fighting Effectiveness Systems Engineering Whitcomb, Clifford A. View