Research Summaries
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2007 Collaborative Research: Carbon Cycling in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas - Field and Modeling Oceanography Maslowski, Wieslaw View
2007 Collaborative Research: Environmental Variability, Bowhead Whale Distributions, and Inupiat Subsistence Whaling-Linkage and Resilience of an Alaskan Coastal System Oceanography Maslowski, Wieslaw View
2007 Application of Parallel Ocean and Climate Models to Decade/Century Prediction Oceanography Maslowski, Wieslaw View
2008 A Comprehensive Modeling Approach Towards Understanding and Prediction of the Alaskan Coastal System Response to Changes in an Ice-Diminished Arctic Oceanography Maslowski, Wieslaw View
2010 Application of Parallel Ocean and Climate Models to Decade/Century Prediction Oceanography Maslowski, Wieslaw View
2007 Towards Prediction of Arctic Sea Ice-Ocean-Global Climate Interactions at Seasonal to Decadal Scales Oceanography Maslowski, Wieslaw View
2007 Towards Prediction of Arctic Sea Ice-Ocean-Global Climate Interactions at Seasonal to Decadal Scales Oceanography Maslowski, Wieslaw View
2010 Collaborative Research: Arctic Extreme Temperature and Precipitation - Detection and Projection of Their Climatic Change and Physical Causes Oceanography Maslowski, Wieslaw View
2007 Towards Advanced Understanding and Predictive Capability of Climate Change in the Arctic Using a High-Resolution Regional Arctic Climate System Model Oceanography Maslowski, Wieslaw View
2008 AOMIP: Synthesis and Integration Activities to Improve Models and Reduce Uncertainties in Model Predictions Oceanography Maslowski, Wieslaw View
2020 High-Latitude Application and Testing of Earth System Models - Phase II Oceanography Maslowski, Wieslaw View
2022 Robustness and Vulnerability Measures of Deep Learning Methods for Cyber Defense Naval Research Program Martinsen, Thor View
2014 THz FEL Design for Naval Applications with a Focus on Atmospheric Propagation Physics Martell, Daniel P. View
2011 On-Phone Topic and Author Analysis of SMS/Email Traffic Cebrowski Institute Martell, Craig H. View
2011 Language Evidence for Social Goals: A Linguistic Approach to Persuasion Moves in Discourse Cebrowski Institute Martell, Craig H. View
2012 Language Evidence for Social Goals: A Linguistic Approach to Persuasion Moves in Discourse Cebrowski Institute Martell, Craig H. View
2012 Cloud Technologies for Automated Tagging and Cryptographic Biding Cebrowski Institute Martell, Craig H. View
2013 On-Phone Multimodal Continuous, Active Authentication Cebrowski Institute Martell, Craig H. View
2010 Tools for Topic Analysis, Phase II Computer Science Martell, Craig H. View
2010 Language Evidence for Social Goals: A Linguistic Approach to Persuasive Moves in Discourse Computer Science Martell, Craig H. View