Research Summaries
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2007 Wave Dynamics in Tropical Cyclones Meteorology Montgomery, Michael T. View
2011 Use of NASA Observations and Numerical Model Simulations to Understand the Hurricane 'Fuel' and 'Anti-Fuel' Problems Meteorology Montgomery, Michael T. View
2012 Continued Analysis on Multiscale Aspects of Tropical Cyclone Formation, Structure Change and Predictability in the Western North Pacific Region Meteorology Montgomery, Michael T. View
2012 Friction Stir Welding of Ferritic ODS and HT9 Steels Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Brewer, Luke N. View
2015 Rupture Dynamics, Validation of the Numerical Simulation Method Applied Mathematics Kozdon, Jeremy E. View
2016 System Qualities Ontology, Tradespace and Affordability Project - Phase 5 Systems Engineering Madachy, Raymond J. View
2019 The Effects of Optical Turbulence in the Coastal Atmospheric Boundary Layer on Electro-Optical Systems Meteorology Wauer, Benjamin J. View
2020 EPIC-DAUG: An Enhanced Propulsion Integrated Capability – Deep Autonomous Underwater Glider for Shore Launch/Recovery and High-Endurance Unattended M Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Bingham, Brian S. View
2007 The Design, Fabrication and Testing of Radiation Tolerant ASIC and VLSI Devices for Space-Based Systems Space Systems Academic Group Michael, Sherif N. View
2008 Innovative Railgun Technology Physics Maier, William B. View
2009 Naval Sea Systems Command, Theses and Curriculum Support Physics Larraza, Andres View
2010 Spiral 2 PLED Emitters for IIFF for Special Operation Forces Physics Haegel, Nancy M. View
2008 Pre-Depression Investigation of Cloud-Systems in the Tropics (PREDICT) Meteorology Montgomery, Michael T. View
2012 Research and Development of New Theories on Hurricane Intensity and Structure Change Meteorology Montgomery, Michael T. View
2009 Use of NASA Observations and Numerical Model Simulations to Understand the Hurricane 'Fuel' and 'Anti-Fuel' Problems Meteorology Montgomery, Michael T. View
2013 Field-Based Residual Stress Measurements for Predicting Stress Corrosion Cracking Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Brewer, Luke N. View
2015 Further Development of the Patchy Method for Solving the Partial Difference and Differential Equations of Nonlinear Control Applied Mathematics Krener, Arthur J. View
2015 Master of Science Systems Engineering AY 2016 Systems Engineering Owen, Walter E. View
2018 CMIS 2 FY18 Research Supplement Electrical & Computer Engineering Scrofani, James W. View
2019 MEMS Metamaterial-based Sub-terahertz focal plane array for space imaging Physics Alves, Fabio D. View