Research Summaries
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2011 CNIC FY11 Technical Support for Training and Readiness Objectives Center for Asymmetric Warfare Jaeger, Alan W. View
2011 COCOM Focused Field Experimentation Joint Interagency Field Experimentation Program Buettner, Jr., Raymond R. View
2011 CORE CRS Development Defense Analysis Wilson, Gregory R. View
2011 CT Fellowship Program/CORE Lab Defense Analysis Everton, Sean F. View
2011 CTFP ECCO CT Operator Archive Project (CTOAP): Phase 1 Defense Analysis Borer, Douglas A. View
2011 CY2010-2012 Rapid Pro VIRT (RPV) Information Sciences Bordetsky, Alexander B. View
2011 Canadian Forces Aerospace Warfare Centre Wargaming Course Operations Research Appleget, Jeffrey A. View
2011 Capstone Synthesis and Policy Implications: African Security Challenges Now and Over the Horizon Project National Security Affairs Piombo, Jessica R. View
2011 Celex, Carving and Contracts Computer Science Garfinkel, Simson L. View
2011 Center for Army Analysis Optimization Support Operations Research Ewing, Jr., Paul L. View
2011 Chair for Strategic Maritime Analysis Operations Research Schramm, Harrison View
2011 Chair of Acquisition and Acquisition Research Program Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Snider, Keith F. View
2011 Challenges to US Space-Based Early Warning and Strategic Reconnaissance National Security Affairs Moltz, James C. View
2011 Characterization and Classification of Marine Mammal Vocalizations Oceanography Collins, Curtis A. View
2011 Characterization of Fuel Nozzle Atomization Properties Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Brophy, Christopher M. View
2011 Civil Military Operations and the Rule of Law: Curriculum Development and Pilot Course Global Public Policy Academic Group Guttieri, Karen R. View
2011 Climatology of Electromagnetic Propagation Conditions in the US West Coast Region Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2011 Collaborative NWDC/NPS Modeling and Simulation Research Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Sullivan, Joseph A. View
2011 Collaborative Research: The Next Generation Storm-Penetration Research Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies Jonsson, Haflidi H. View
2011 Collaborative Research: Towards Advanced Understanding and Improved Decadal/Centennial Prediction of Arctic Sea Ice State and Climate Change Oceanography Maslowski, Wieslaw View