Research Summaries
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2010 Modeling and Assessment of the C4ISR OTM Event 09 Architecture Systems Engineering Giammarco, Kristin M. View
2010 Modeling and Assessment of the C4ISR OTM Event 09 Architecture Systems Engineering Giammarco, Kristin M. View
2010 Modeling and Simulation (M&S) and Design of Experiments (DOE) Applications for Test Planning Operations Research Sanchez, Susan M. View
2010 Modeling and Simulation Metadata Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Blais, Curtis L. View
2010 Modeling the Dynamics of Insurgency and Counterinsurgency Operations Research Kress, Moshe View
2010 Modeling the Impact of Events on the Simulated Afghanistan Population Operations Research Johnson, Rachel T. View
2010 Modeling the Impact of Events on the Simulated Helmand Province Population Operations Research Johnson, Rachel T. View
2010 Monterey Strategy Seminar National Security Affairs Wirtz, James J. View
2010 Multi-Scale Observational Analyses Within the "Marsupial Pouch" of Pre-Depression Tropical Disturbances Meteorology Bell, Michael M. View
2010 Multi-Source Intelligence Data Integration and Assimilation National Security Institute Olsen, Richard C. View
2010 Multiscale Nonhydrostatic Models for Next-Generation Computers Applied Mathematics Giraldo, Francis X. View
2010 N433 Threat Missile Simulator Validation Working Group Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2010 NAVNETWARCOM Innovation and Experimentation Program FORCEnet Laboratory Experiments Information Sciences Maule, Randy W. View
2010 NAVSEA-Chair of Acquisition and Acquisition Research Program Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Snider, Keith F. View
2010 NPS ASW Certificate Program Meyer Institute Kapolka, Daphne View
2010 NPS Academic Support to Joint IED Defeat Organization National Security Institute Kimzey, Charles H. View
2010 NPS Afghanistan COIN Web Portal National Security Affairs Johnson, Thomas H. View
2010 NPS Chair of Undersea Warfare Program Meyer Institute Ellis, Winford G. View
2010 NPS Chair of Undersea Warfare Program Meyer Institute Ellis, Winford G. View
2010 NPS Cost Analysis Support for CAPE Operations Research Mislick, Gregory K. View