Videos & Podcasts - Center for Infrastructure Defense
Videos & Podcasts
Watch the latest in the CID Guest Speaker Series!
Watch CID guest speaker Tanya Beder discuss "Vulnerabilities and Threats to the Financial System" in an eye opening presentation that helps to imagine the possibilities and confront the real fragilities in this critical infrastructure system.
Podcasts and Interviews:
Podcast Discussion Series: Healthcare Infrastructure Resilience in response to COVID-19, with D.D. Woods, T.P. Seager, and D.L. Alderson, part of ISSST2020 Keynote Series, Posted on March 24, 2020.
"Danger: Infrastructure Under Attack" with CID Director David Alderson to hear about the pioneering work at the Naval Postgraduate School and why the controversy about the best way to protect critical infrastructure is as contentious as ever. (21 May 2010)
"In Search of the Real Network Science: An Interview with David Alderson" ACM Ubiquity Issue 8 (August 4 - 10, 2009).
D.L. Alderson, Outmaneuvering Complexity in Worlds of Surprise: Managing Fundamental Tradeoffs, Keynote address (part 1) at workshop "Complexity: Advancing the State of Thought and Practice Across Navy, DoD, and FedGov", hosted at NSWC Carderock Aug 27-29, 2019. (video, slides)
D.D. Woods, Outmaneuvering Complexity in Worlds of Surprise: How adaptive capacities in human-technology systems arebuilt, extended, sustained, degraded, and collapse, Keynote address (part 2) at workshop "Complexity: Advancing the State of Thought and Practice Across Navy, DoD, and FedGov", hosted at NSWC Carderock Aug 27-29, 2019. (video, slides)