Sponsored Activity - records appear more than once - FAIRS Questions - Academic Affairs
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Sponsored Activity - records appear more than once
Laura L Dippold, modified 8 Years ago.
Sponsored Activity - records appear more than once
Padawan Posts: 44 Join Date: 3/13/13 Recent Posts
Why do some sponsored activity projects appear more than once on my list?
Laura L Dippold, modified 8 Years ago.
RE: Sponsored Activity - records appear more than once (Answer)
Padawan Posts: 44 Join Date: 3/13/13 Recent Posts
We did our best to clean up the Sponsored Activity data to just one record per project. Many records may appear the same but have different sponsors, abstracts or dates included. But, if you notice that you have an exact duplicate, please contact FAIRSOmbudsman@nps.edu or research@nps.edu to have the records corrected.