Admission Information


Entrance for U.S. Naval METOC Officers into the Meteorology and Physical Oceanography curriculum (373) requires an APC of 233, waiverable to 334.  This code requires a baccalaureate degree with a GPA of 2.60 or higher, a calculus sequence earning at C or better, and a calculus-based physics sequence earning a B or better average in these courses. 

Students who do not meet this requirement may request a waiver, but waivers are not usually granted due to the technical requirements of the degree.  It is recommended you complete a calculus course and calculus-based physics course prior to requesting to attend NPS.

Officers from other services, International Officers, and DoD civilians are eligibile for similiar programs in Physical Oceanography (440) and Meteorology (372).

Please go to for guidance on how to request an APC calculation.

The standard entry dates for the 373 curriculum are in June and December.

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